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≡ [PDF] Gratis Eye of the Eagle Wisdom from the Ancients Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1 Lauren Taite Vines 9780615623917 Books

Eye of the Eagle Wisdom from the Ancients Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1 Lauren Taite Vines 9780615623917 Books

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Download PDF Eye of the Eagle Wisdom from the Ancients Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1 Lauren Taite Vines 9780615623917 Books

FREE AUDIO AVAILABLE WITH PURCHASE! Eye of the Eagle is the first allegory in the Wisdom From The Ancients Dreams Series, received by Lauren Taite Vines from her grandfather, Bear Hawk. In Eye of the Eagle, Laughing Eagle (Lanti Unti) returns once again to celebrate with her extended family headed by her 105-year-old Native American grandfather, Bear Hawk. During this visit she embarks on a quest that brings her eye to eye with a mighty eagle and face to face with what is real, true, and important in this life. Her physical journey was strenuous and life threatening at times and magnificent at others. So was her inner journey?the journey to her true self. This book includes Native American legends and a Prayer of Bear Hawk. It, also, features a very special Earth Healing Ceremony, generously loaned to Ms. Vines by Bobby Lake-Thom AKA Medicine Grizzly Bear.

Eye of the Eagle Wisdom from the Ancients Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1 Lauren Taite Vines 9780615623917 Books

What a beautiful personal journey. I was impressed with the cover artwork, as well as the prose within. I will look forward to more in the Shamanic Dreams Series. I have now read both Lauren's books, and because fear and hate have become somewhat legislated in the unseen ledger, how refreshing to folow Lauren's journey with "Grandfather" for hope and change. Would that we ech could find our own grandfather spirit, how comforting it would be . . . and how much sweeter our own journey could be, not to mention the dispositions of our fellow travelers. Lauren's (Grandfather's) prophecy of change brings with it a challenge of personal change. A shedding of the burden of our own personal fears, ever hates, no matter how deeply we try to hide them . . . even from ourselves. Lauren's book will be a bedside one, easily available to remind myself tha my challenges are not "out there." A reminder that my challenges begin and end with me. Kudos, Lauren Taite Vines. I look forward to your continued shared journey.

Product details

  • Paperback 110 pages
  • Publisher Inspiring Transformation Publishing (July 2, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0615623913

Read Eye of the Eagle Wisdom from the Ancients Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1 Lauren Taite Vines 9780615623917 Books

Tags : Eye of the Eagle: (Wisdom from the Ancients: Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1) [Lauren Taite Vines] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. FREE AUDIO AVAILABLE WITH PURCHASE! Eye of the Eagle is the first allegory in the Wisdom From The Ancients: Dreams Series,Lauren Taite Vines,Eye of the Eagle: (Wisdom from the Ancients: Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1),Inspiring Transformation Publishing,0615623913,FICTION Alternative History
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Eye of the Eagle Wisdom from the Ancients Shamanic Dreams Series Volume 1 Lauren Taite Vines 9780615623917 Books Reviews

I found this book such a heart warming journey and one I could relate with as far as being connected to

nature and allowing our consciousness guide us through our journeys as the author did. It flowed beautifully

and easily and left me feeling a bit mystical.
A wonderful story with a great message. Ms. Taite Vines eloquently weaves a compelling message with a delightful, heart centered story. As Bear Hawk contends, we humans learn more from stories. The Eye of the Eagle reveals answers to the age old questions, Who am I? and What is my purpose? For those afflicted with "affluenza", this is a great opportunity to soar with the eagles. Looking forward to the next chapter in the Shamanic Dreams Series.
The word RICH comes to mind when I reflect on 'The Eye of The Eagle' not only in terms of the wonderful adventure Lauren takes us on in the book but also in terms of the beautiful messages contained within. Lauren reminds us of what true wealth is. She generously share a wealth of Native American understanding, reconnects readers to the bounty of mother earth and invites us to claim our rich blessings and soar too! I am really looking forward to more!
Do you enjoy the stories of non-accidental coincidences? Those where you can feel connection between your hero and earth, and hope... One day, that could be me!

Well, shamanic path is just like that. It is the path taken by alchemist by P. Coelho, it is the very personal path Lauren Vines is sharing with us.

There is something deeply personal in the way she offers you little peek into wisdom of her ancestors.

But hey...go and read it for yourself!
You must avail yourself of this journey! This story speaks from a heart of purity and inspiration. I was embraced by BearHawk's grounded wisdom "Using the source of life for even one time will validate the learning." Lauren Taite Vines shares the juxtapose of harnessing sharp intelligence with a sincerity that honors the expansion of all life with eloquence and humor. Her message is so beautifully clear~ it's time for us all to be willing to spread our wings and majestically be carried by the updrafts so that our vision/life can be lived in all of it's glorious fulfilled ways. Allow yourself to return to your true essence so that you, too, may hear that sweet ancient wise guidance imploring you to open your heart and feel how truly supported you are. Thank you Lauren for being so willing to walk your journey and share with us all your sparkling brilliance through your melodic colorful words. Being transported so completely through this written story is a generous gift.
Lovely allegorical book written by a woman of American Indian descent.
After reading this book I am once again convinced that the Native American way of looking at life, connectedness, nature and spirituality is truly beautiful. The author's skill in the use of descriptive vocabulary is evident from the beginning and pulled me into the story as a participant. I recommend this book to all who wish to enhance their own spiritual journey, it has surely been a boost to mine! The Eye of the Eagle reminds us to experience the incredible joy of simply being!
What a beautiful personal journey. I was impressed with the cover artwork, as well as the prose within. I will look forward to more in the Shamanic Dreams Series. I have now read both Lauren's books, and because fear and hate have become somewhat legislated in the unseen ledger, how refreshing to folow Lauren's journey with "Grandfather" for hope and change. Would that we ech could find our own grandfather spirit, how comforting it would be . . . and how much sweeter our own journey could be, not to mention the dispositions of our fellow travelers. Lauren's (Grandfather's) prophecy of change brings with it a challenge of personal change. A shedding of the burden of our own personal fears, ever hates, no matter how deeply we try to hide them . . . even from ourselves. Lauren's book will be a bedside one, easily available to remind myself tha my challenges are not "out there." A reminder that my challenges begin and end with me. Kudos, Lauren Taite Vines. I look forward to your continued shared journey.
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